Saturday, January 3, 2009

Terrorism vs. Genocide

Despite the cliches about a struggle for territory, the conflict in the Middle East has always been about demographics. There are more Palestinian Arabs than ethnic Jews in 'Greater Israel', and this is seen as a threat to the Jewish nature of the Israeli state, which can be either Jewish or democratic, but not both, until this 'problem' is rectified. The Israeli solution is to encourage immigration of more Jews to Israel, while simultaneously doing all it can to decrease the population of non-Jews within the borders of the area it wants to control. The only ways to achieve this are to force them to leave, which has not worked, or to exterminate them. The methods Israel has available are starvation or direct killing with guns or bombs. The latter is politically unacceptable (for now), at least on a large scale. On the other side, the goal of Hamas is to win the demographic struggle through higher birthrates and through frightening Jews abroad into not immigrating to Israel; this strategy is working so far, which is why the rocket attacks continue...they well know that the rockets are ineffective in killing.
So, basically, we have Hamas using 'terrorism' in the true sense of the word...using violence or the threat of it, to change the behavior of large groups of people. On the other side, we have what can best be described as 'genocide', the attempt to exterminate large groups of people through violence, starvation, or disease.

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